
Engage and grow student sign ups on WhatsApp

Market classes, manage admission, onboard students and keep up to date

Lead Management

Engage and attract new students, and integrate with your CRM to broadcast marketing messages on WhatsApp.

Instant Problem Resolution

Provide quick answers with automated chatbot flows and escalate to support teams when human action is needed.

Onboarding Support

Provide instant information to assist students in completing your onboarding process easily.

Timely Class Reminders

Message students directly on WhatsApp with automated reminders of timetables and classes.

Support For Admissions

Guide parents through your admissions process with chatbots that ensure students sign up correctly.

Student Reports

Instantly deliver reports and exam results to students and parents with automated WhatsApp messages.

Smarter Lead Management

Centralize leads in CRM, broadcast, & manage responses.
  • Drive acquisition with customer specific messages and promotions.
  • Auto-update contact responses and interactions into your integrated CRM system.

Close More Sales

Market effectively and respond quickly to sales inquiries.
  • Market classes using rich media sources, like video and social platforms.
  • Rapidly respond to important enquiries that help close sales, such as class dates, promotions and payments.

Better Learning Outcomes

Support high education standards with effective communication.
  • Support parents and students all the way from admission through to exam results.
  • Organize your teams to provide parents with sales, support and service, 24/7.
Ready to automate more than 80% of your customer support?
Create your own bot in just 5 minutes