
  • Acquire Customers
  • Convert Sales
  • Drive Repeat Orders
  • Grow Revenue
All LINE Official Accounts are free to create. However, the Free plan has a messaging limit. LINE provides two additional paid plans, Light and Standard. Each has a number of included messages and a rate for additional messages.


The Free plan? The Free plan includes 500 or 1000 messages depending on the region. Meanwhile, the Light and the Standard plan are designed for companies sending thousands of messages every month. Each region has its own pricing for plans and additional messages.

Requirement to implement Line Bot? 1. A LINE Official Account

How can I start conversation with my users directly via Line Chat? To get your customers as Line Contacts, they’ll have to message you first. This is a limitation used by Line and other messaging app business accounts to reduce spam.

What is Line Messaging window? LINE stops businesses from responding to customers after 7 days if they’ve not added the business as a friend. However in most cases, the user is forced to do so to start the chat, so this is not an issue.

 Can i Broadcast message to all my users? you can broadcast your messages through Line, but remember with each increase in the number of LINE messages you send, it increases the monthly price you pay for your LINE Official Account. So don’t go broadcast crazy unless you’ve got a big budget.