Google Business Messages

  • Acquire Customers
  • Convert Sales
  • Drive Repeat Orders
  • Grow Revenue

Google Business Messaging allows customers to discover and connect with you directly from Google Search, Google Map and other brand assets to enhance customer experience.



How can I start conversation with my users directly via Google Business Message? To get your customers as Google Contacts, they’ll have to message you first. This is a limitation used by Google and other messaging app business accounts to reduce spam.

What is Google Business Messaging window?Being able to respond to Google users makes conversations with customers a lot easier than email. To prevent companies from spamming users after this initial conversation Google has implemented a 30 days Messaging Window.

Does Google Business Messaging Provides Read Receipts?Google business messaging provides sent, delivered, and read status

Can i Broadcast message to all my users?Like 1:1 messaging, you can broadcast for upto 30 days from last message received from user.