
  • Acquire Customers
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  • Drive Repeat Orders
  • Grow Revenue
To start chatting with users over Slack all you need is a Slack account. Once set up, your worspace users will be able to message you over Slack and you too can respond them back.


Requirement to implement Slack Chat? 1. Create or Slack Workspace
2. Add Chat on Desk to your workspace

How can I start conversation directly on Slack? To get your users as Slack Contacts, they’ll have to message to app or in the workspace first.

What is Slack messaging window Messaging on Slack is relatively straightforward. Although other messaging app business accounts place limits when you can message and what you can send, Slack doesn’t place any such limitations on brands.

Since Slack doesn’t have a messaging window like other messaging apps, you can message in workspaces any time after they become a contact.

Can i change the App Name to my brand name? Its not possible to change App name, however messages display name can be customised.