
  • Acquire Customers
  • Convert Sales
  • Drive Repeat Orders
  • Grow Revenue
To start chatting with customers over Instagram all you need is an Instagram Business Account. Once set up, Instagram users will be able to message over Instagram privately and you too can respond them back.


Requirement to implement Instagram Chat? 1. Create an Instagram Business Account.
2. Connect Instagram Business Account to a Facebook Page
3. Allow Access to Messages in the account settings

How can i start conversation with my users directly via Instagram Chat?Communicating with customers over messaging apps is different from using email, phone and SMS. It would be nice if you could simply send all your Instagram followers a private message, but Instagram does not allow this to avoid spam. Like most messaging apps, Instagram requires users to send the first message for businesses to start conversations.

What is Instagram messaging window?Being able to respond to Instagram users makes conversations with customers a lot easier than email. To prevent companies from spamming users after this initial conversation Instagram has implemented a 24-hour Messaging Window.

Businesses can still respond to customers until next 7 days, but they will have to send their message with a Human Agent Tag.

After 7 days you can no longer send a message to the Contact unless they message you again. Unlike Facebook Messenger, there are no other Tags available to restart a conversation via 1:1 chats or broadcasts with the Instagram Direct Message API.