How to verify your business

Go to Business Manager’s Security Centre. Click Start verification.
  1. Provide your business’s details, including the legal business name, address, phone number and website.

    Note: Make sure that the details you submit exactly match the details of your legal business entity. Also make sure that your business’s website loads and is HTTPS compliant.

  2. Confirm your business’s details.
    If no matching record is found, upload supporting documents, such as a business licence or articles of incorporation, to confirm the details you entered.

  3. Choose a method to confirm your connection.
    A confirmation code will be sent if you choose email, phone, text message or WhatsApp. To confirm via domain verification, follow these steps.
    • Email (The domain of your business email address must match the domain of your website.)
    • Phone number
    • Text message
    • WhatsApp message
    • Domain verification (You must have admin access to your site’s web host or DNS provider.)

  4. When you’ve finished, click Done.

What are the documents required for business verification

Accepted document types

The primary document types that are acceptable for business verification are as follows. Make sure that these documents are not expired and are issued by the relevant authorities.
  • Certificate/Articles of incorporation
  • Business registration or licence document
  • Government-issued business tax document: This could include a tax certificate. Self-filed tax documents are not accepted.
  • Business bank statement
  • Utility bill: A utility bill is only accepted for Business address and Phone number. The legal business name must be on the utility bill. A utility bill is not an acceptable document for legal business name verification

How long does it take for verification documents submission

After you’ve submitted your verification, a decision can be made in as little as 10 minutes and as long as 14 working days. You’ll receive a notification when the review is complete. If you receive confirmation that your business is verified, there’s nothing more you need to do.
Note: You can edit your business details at any time. But any changes will require you to complete the business verification process again.

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